Dryer Vent Cleaning Services

Best Quality

Dryer Vent Cleaning in Michigan

Dryer vent cleaning can be a $SAVER! Lint build-up in the duct leads to longer drying times, possible dryer failure or repairs, & MOST IMPORTANTLY possible FIRES!
Since 1991 Dalton Environmental Cleaning has been committed to providing a quality guaranteed Dryer Vent cleaning service in Michigan.
Call Now 1-877-325-8667Free Estimate

We go to GREAT Heights to keep our Customers Safe

Save Time, Save Energy! & Possibly SAVE A LIFE!

Dryer Vent Cleaning Process

Here at Daltons, We Clean All Dryer Ducts From the Outside Where Possible.

We do this for 2 reasons:

  1. All the lint is pulled to the outside of your home where it is collected.
  2. The exhaust hood needs to be physically cleaned and inspected to ensure it is functioning properly.
Quality Guaranteed, Best Dryer Vent cleaning service in Michigan.
Call Now 1-877-325-8667

Commercial Air Duct Cleaning on roof by Dalton Environmental Cleaning Michigan

Dalton uses 250 lbs of compressed air that powers a special flexible sweep. The sweep snakes through the entire length of the duct creating a venturi-like effect blasting off stuck on lint and ejecting it through the exhaust hood to the Outside of your home where it is collected and disposed of.

Our sweep is powerful yet flexible so it will not damage your duct.

Once the cleaning is complete we test-run the dryer check the airflow and make sure the system is operating properly.

Joe Gagnon "The Appliance doctor"(as heard on WJR Newstalk 760AM).Dalton Environmental Cleaning
is endorsed by
JOE Gagnon
“The Appliance Doctor”
Dalton Environmental Cleaning-Logo

Preferred Contractor of the Inside Outside Guys

Why do you need to get your Dryer Vent Professionally Cleaned?

Safety is #1

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates clothes dryers were associated with 15,600 fires Fires can occur when lint builds up in the dryer or in the exhaust duct.  Lint can block the flow of air, cause excessive heat build-up, and result in a fire

Shorter Drying Times

When your dryer has to work harder to dry your clothes due to a clogged vent, it can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the machine, which can lead to breakdowns and costly repairs.

Save Money and Lower Energy Use

Saving money by having your dryer vent professionally cleaned by Dalton Environmental Cleaning, you can avoid costly repairs, save on your energy bills, and extend the lifespan of your dryer. It’s a small investment that can pay off in a big way in the long run.

Extend the life of your dryer

A clogged dryer vent can also cause your dryer to work less efficiently, which can increase your energy bills and shorten the lifespan of your dryer.

Dalton Dryer Vent Cleaning in michigan


The Best quality Dryer Vent Cleaning in Michigan

We are committed to a higher standard by focusing ONLY on Air Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning for your home or business. Since 1991 Dalton Environmental Cleaning has been improving the indoor air for tens of thousands of customers. Dalton is a NADCA-certified #10960346 and HVAC-licensed #7115496 company committed to providing a quality guaranteed Air Duct cleaning service in Michigan.
Call Now 1-877-325-8667Free Estimate

Why you shouldn't neglect your
Dryer Vent

According to the US Fire Administration, 34% of residential fires are due to dirty dryer vents. 

Debris, birds, bird nests, and highly flammable lint can build up reduce airflow and back up exhaust gases. Couple that with the hot temperature of the dryer and it makes for a dangerous combination. 

Save Time, Save Energy & possibly

Apartment and Condo Complex Dryer Vent Cleaning

Join the hundreds of apartment and condo complexes that maintain their dryer ducts with Dalton’s annual program.

The estimate is quick and not disruptive.

  • We can provide entire complex estimates

  • Since our cleaning system is largely performed from the outside in most cases residents do not need to be home. 

  • This avoids the scheduling nightmare of inside access

Dryer Vent Cleaning
Dryer Vent Cleaning

Save time, Save Energy
& Possibly Save a Life!
Contact Dalton Today